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Setting Up My MacBook for ML Development: A Living Guide

This is a living document that I'll be updating over the next few weeks as I continue setting up and optimizing my new MacBook development environment. While I followed most of Eugene Yan's excellent minimal setup guide, I made some specific choices based on my workflow needs.

Core Development Setup

I kept things minimal for my general development environment, following most of Eugene's recommendations but focusing on just the essentials:

A guide to RWKV V3


RWKV is an alternative to the transformer architecture. It's open source and has it's own paper over here. I found out about it sometime back in a paper club and thought i'd write a short article about it with what I had learnt.

Here are some other resources which you might find useful about RWKVs

  • RKWV by Picocreator This is a markdown file that was used by one of the contributors - Picocreator to give a short presentation on the RWKV architecture.

  • RKWV in 100 lines Which covers the implementation of RWKV in 100 lines of code. Much of this article is based off the content here - I try to extend and provide my own intuition for some proofs. I've also attached a colab notebook for you if you want to play with the code.